Chime vs. Digital International Bank
Find out which digital bank offers better features


Planning to open an account with Chime or Digital International Bank but can't decide yet? With the help of this updated and detailed comparison, you can finally make a decision.

Supported Countries USA Over 150 countries
Currencies USD Over 55 currencies
Card Visa Visa
Customer Support Phone, Email, Live Chat Phone, Email, Video Chat
Reliability Online banking with no monthly fees Hybrid banking with quality support

Supported Countries

Chime only accepts clients who are residents of the USA so if you're not a US citizen, then you won't be able to open an account with this bank.

Chime mobile app welcome screen
Chime mobile app welcome screen

As for Digital International Bank, you'd likely be able to open one since they accept users from over 150 countries and that includes residents of the US and UK to name a few.

Digital International Bank account sign-up
Digital International Bank account sign-up


Since Chime only accepts US residents, the bank only accepts USD and no other currency. That means if you decide to deposit foreign currencies like GBP or EUR, then you will incur an exchange fee to convert it to USD.

DIB on the other hand accepts over 55 currencies. What's great about a bank supporting multi-currencies is that it gives you the advantage of avoiding conversion or exchange fees, which are usually costly.


Both Chime and DIB offer their clients with a Visa card. They don't provide MasterCards or any other debit/credit card brands.

Customer Support

You can contact the Chime customer service team via the 3 common methods of communication: phone, email or live chat. This gives you flexible ways to get in touch with their agents for issues, questions or concerns regarding your online bank account.


In comparison, DIB clients also have 3 choices to contact the support department and this can be done thru phone, email and video chat. DIB has a slight advantage over its competition in this category as their clients are given an option to see a live agent via video chat and this method gives them a more personalized customer service experience.

Digital International Bank customer support
Digital International Bank customer support


In terms of reputation, Chime among the most popular neo-banks in the US and it has over 14 million customers as of this writing. They are also preferred by many users since they offer online banking services with no monthly fees.

As for Digital International Banking, it is highly preferred by users for their hybrid banking service, which is a combination of both the traditional and digital banking experience. When it comes to safety, they are licensed under the US federal law and so they are capable of providing safe financial services to clients from various countries and not just in the USA.


Both Chime and Digital International Bank have established names in the digital banking industry and both have their own pros and cons. If you're from the US and are searching for an established bank then Chime is a good option. On the other hand, DIB is a great choice if you'd like to experience traditional and digital banking without the hassles and the great thing about this bank is that it accepts users from various countries so you're most likely eligible to open an account with them.